Privacy Policy

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Our Policy

At our translation company, we understand the importance of privacy and data protection. Therefore, we are committed to protecting our clients’ personal, sensitive and classified information according to the highest Privacy & Data Protection standards. We take every measure to protect classified information and to ensure that we do not compromise it.

Therefore, we are committed to protecting our clients’ personal, sensitive and classified information according to the highest Privacy & Data Protection standards. We take every measure to protect classified information and to ensure that we do not compromise it.

One of the key ways we achieve this is by implementing robust security measures on our systems and networks. It includes firewalls, antivirus software, and encryption protocols to prevent unauthorized access to our systems and data. We also have strict policies to govern the handling of personal and sensitive information, including guidelines for access and use and protocols for the secure disposal of data.

Besides these technical measures, we also ensure that our team of professionals is thoroughly trained and aware of the importance of data protection. We provide regular training and reminders to all our team members on their responsibilities for data protection and ensure that they are familiar with our policies and procedures. It includes ensuring that they are aware of the potential consequences of any breaches of these policies and encouraging them to report any concerns or issues they may have.

At the same time, we recognize that data protection is not just about preventing breaches and protecting against threats. It also ensures that our professionals have the tools and resources to do their jobs effectively and efficiently. It means we work Smart & protect data while giving our team a first-class experience with the cloud-based, licensed CAT tools ensuring they have the support and training needed to use them effectively while at the same time restricting them from making any copies & duplicates of the classified content. So there is full awareness of the need for privacy & protection – while simultaneously supporting their use in translations & research.

We are constantly evaluating and updating our systems and processes to ensure that we are providing our professionals with the best possible experience while also protecting the privacy and data of our clients. It includes investing in new technologies and software to support our team of professional linguists in their work, and regularly reviewing and updating our policies and procedures to ensure we aligned them with the needs and meet the latest industry standards.

Our commitment to privacy and data protection is vital to our company’s culture. We are dedicated to ensuring that our clients and concerned can trust us to protect their personal, sensitive & secret information.

We believe that this balance is essential to provide a first-class experience to our teams of professionals, while also meeting the needs of our clients and ensuring that we can deliver high-quality translations, transcriptions, Subtitling and voice-over services.

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