Our Translation Service

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Translation Services

  • Native Translation, Human Translation
  • Editing, Proofreading, Review
  • MTPE (machine translation, proofreading & Editing)
  • Quality assurance (QAer)

Are you in need of professional document translation services? Look no further. Our team of skilled translators is here to help you accurately and efficiently translate your documents for business or personal use.

Whether you have legal documents, marketing materials, or personal documents that need translation, we have the expertise and experience to handle any subject domain. In addition, our translators are native speakers of the target language and have an in-depth understanding of the cultural and linguistic nuances of the text. This ensures that your documents are translated accurately and read naturally and clearly to your target audience.

In addition to providing top-quality translations, we also offer fast turnaround times to meet your deadlines. We understand that time is often of the essence when it comes to document translation, which is why we work efficiently to deliver your translated documents as soon as possible.

We offer document translation services in various languages, including but not limited to Arabic, Kurdish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and more. No matter what language you need your documents translated into, we have professional translators qualified to handle the task.

Legal Document Translation

Accurate translations of legal documents are essential for businesses and individuals. Whether it involves contracts, patents, or legal proceedings.  The translated documents must be not only accurate but also legally binding. Our team of legal translators has the expertise and experience to handle any legal document translation project. We take the time to carefully translate each document carefully, ensuring that the meaning and purpose of the original text are preserved in the target language.

Marketing Material Translation

Effective marketing relies on reaching a global audience. Suppose you have marketing material that needs to be translated into another language. In that case, it is necessary to work with a professional translation service that understands the nuances of the marketing language and can accurately translate your document while maintaining its impact and effectiveness. Our team of marketing translators has the skills and experience to deliver high-quality translations that help you successfully reach your target audience.

Technical Document Translation

Technical documents often contain complex terms, and precise language can be difficult to translate accurately. Therefore, it is vital to work with a translation service that is experienced in technical translations and can convey the correct information in the target language. Our team of technical translators has the knowledge and experience to manage any technical document translation project, ensuring that the translated documents are intelligible, accurate, and easy to understand

Website Translation

In today’s globalized world, businesses must have a website accessible to a global audience. If you have a website that needs to be translated into another language, our website translation team can help. We have the skills and experience to accurately translate your website, ensuring that the meaning and purpose of the original text are preserved in the target language.

Personal Document Translation

Personal documents’ translations, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates,  immunization certificates, registration certificates, Property documents & Educational degrees, are often needed for various purposes. Whether you need to translate personal documents for immigration, education, or personal use, it is essential to ensure that your papers are genuinely translated and read naturally and clearly by your target audience. We provide document translation services in multiple languages, including but not limited to Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. In addition, we offer a wider range of document translation services, including legal document translation, marketing document translation, technical document translation, website translation, and personal document translation. Contact us today to get a quote and start your translation project immediately.

At Malitrans, we are committed to delivering top-notch translation services at competitive prices. Contact us today to receive a quote and get started on your document translation project.

Legal Document Translation

Marketing Material Translation

Technical Document Translation

Website Translation

Personal Document Translation


Our Translation Service

Multi Language

Saves time and ensures all the content of your website is 100% translated.

  • Legal document translations
  • Certified legal translations
  • Reduce Your Workload
Our Translation Service

Technical Translation

Approve, edit and enhance your website translations within your team.

  • Patent Application Translation
  • Professional Translation
  • Translation Litigation Documents
Our Translation Service

Urgent Services

Never a single machine translation if it’s not the quality to show.

  • Accessible in Any Language
  • Always Professional
  • Available 24/7
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