Our Transcription Services

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Why Choose, Our Transcription Services?

  • Source to Source
  • Source to Source & Target Language
  • Source to direct target language

Are you looking for high-quality transcription services for your audio or video recordings? Look no further! At Malitrans, we offer professional transcription services that are accurate and reliable. With our team of experienced transcribers and advanced technology, we can handle any transcription project, from interviews, podcasts, and webinars to lectures, focus groups, and more.

There are many reasons to choose our transcription service for your audio or video recordings. Here are a few:

Accurate and Reliable

Our transcriptionists are highly trained and use modern technology to ensure the accuracy of their transcriptions. We also have a team of proofreaders who thoroughly check each record for errors or discrepancies.

Fast Turnaround

We understand your deadlines can be tight, so we offer fast turnarounds for our transcription services. We can work with you to determine the best turnaround time for your project, whether hours or days.

Flexible pricing

Our pricing is flexible and tailored to your specific needs. We offer competitive rates for ourtranscription services and are happy to work with you to provide a pricing plan that fits yourbudget.

Wide choice of languages

Besides English, we offer transcription services in various languages, including Spanish, French,German, and more. So whether you need the transcription in your native or foreign language, wehaveit for you.

Secure and Confidential

We value the security and privacy of our customers’ audio or video recordings. Therefore, we have strict policies to ensure that all of our copying work is done safely and securely.

Interview Transcription

We can handle it all if you need a transcription of an individual interview or a group discussion. Our transcriptionists are very good at transcribing interviews and can accurately capture the words and emotions of the participants.

Podcast Transcription

Podcasts are a great way to share your ideas and reach a wider audience, but it can be challenging for some listeners to keep up with the audio. It is where our copying services come in. We can transcribe your podcasts to make them more accessible to a broader audience, including people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Webinar Transcription

If you host a webinar, you know how important it is to have an event log. Not only is it useful for attendees who may have missed out on some of the content, but it also serves as a reference tool for future use. Our transcriptionists are proficient at transcribing webinars and can accurately capture the content and words of the speakers.

Lecture Transcripts:

If you teach a class or lecture, you know how helpful it is to have atranscript of your presentations. Our transcriptionists can accurately transcribe your speech,including any slides or visual aids used. It can be a valuable resource for your students or futurereference.

Focus group transcription:

Focus groups are valuable for gathering insights and feedback fromyour customers or clients. Our transcribers are skilled in transcriptions focus group discussionsand can accurately capture the thoughts and ideas of your participants. In addition, having atranscript of a focus group can help analyze and summarize the results of the discussion.

Other services we offer include legal transcription, medical transcription, and more. Contact ustoday to learn more about how we can help with your transcription needs.

At Malitrans, we are committed to delivering top-notch translation services at competitive prices. Contact us today to receive a quote and get started on your document translation project.

Legal Document Translation

Marketing Material Translation

Technical Document Translation

Website Translation

Personal Document Translation

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